FreshStart works in part by keeping a list of code resources and folders in a private resource of type 'RDir'. One of the main uses of this list is to associate desk accessories and folder, for example to tell the Control Panel where to look for it's files. Since the Control Panel name is explicitly looked for, if you are using a version of the system that refers to the Control Panel by another name, FreshStart as supplied will not properly work. In order to fix this problem, starting with V1.5 a 'TMPL" resource is provided with FreshStart. The presence of this resource allows you to use ResEdit to open and edit the 'RDir' resource (there is only one). The name of the desk accessory is labelled "Code Name:". By changing this string, and rebooting, FreshStart should work properly with localized systems. The curious among you will of course notice that other fields in the RDir resource can be changed, and that new RDir entries can be added. Changing RDir fields, except as documented in this manual or explicitly directed by me, may have unfortunate consequences, and is not supported. These fields may or may not be documented in a future version. With modern versions of ResEdit, simply having the TMPL resource in the FreshStart resource file will be enough to allow editing of RDir resources. In older versions, the TMPL resource will have to be copied into ResEdit itself. Please keep backup copies of any files you modify using ResEdit.